Get all movies (films) that have a rental rate greater than $3.

Get all movies that have a rental rate greater than $3 and a replacement cost less than $20.

Get all movies that are either rated as 'PG' or have a rental rate of $0.99.

Show the first 10 movies sorted by rental rate (highest first).

Skip the first 5 movies and fetch the next 3 sorted by rental rate in ascending order.

Skip the first 5 movies and fetch the next 3 sorted by rental rate in ascending order.

Get all movies with a rental duration between 3 and 7 days.

Get all movies where the title starts with 'A' and ends with 'e'

Find all customers who do not have an email address listed.

Find all movies released in 2006 with a rental rate of $2.99 or $3.99, and their title starts with 'S'. Display the top 5 results.SELECT title, rental_rate, release_year

Display 10 customers after skipping the first 20, sorted alphabetically by last name.

Get the top 5 movies with the highest replacement cost, skipping the most expensive one.

Find all rentals that occurred between '2005-05-01' and '2005-06-01'.

Get all actors whose last names contain the letters "man".

Find all movies where the special features are not listed (i.e., special_features is NULL).

Find all movies where the rental duration is more than 7 days.

Find the first 10 movies with a rental rate of $2.99 or $4.99, a rating of 'R', and a title containing the word "L".

Find all movies where the title starts with "A" or "B" and ends with "s".

Find all movies where the title contains "Man", "Men", or "Woman".

Bonus Q/A

  1. Find all movies where the special features are not listed (i.e., special_features is NULL).

  2. Find all movies where the rental duration is more than 7 days.

  3. Find all movies that have a rental rate of $4.99 and a replacement cost of more than $20.

  4. Find all movies that have a rental rate of $0.99 or a rating of 'PG-13'.

  5. Retrieve the first 5 rows of movies sorted alphabetically by title.

  6. Skip the first 10 rows and fetch the next 3 movies with the highest replacement cost.

  7. Find all movies where the rating is either 'G', 'PG', or 'PG-13'.

  8. Find all movies with a rental rate between $2 and $4.

  9. Find all movies with titles that start with 'The'.

  10. Find the first 10 movies with a rental rate of $2.99 or $4.99, a rating of 'R', and a title containing the word "Love".

  11. Find all movies where the title contains the % symbol.

  12. Find all movies where the title contains an underscore (_).

  13. Find all movies where the title starts with "A" or "B" and ends with "s".

  14. Find all movies where the title contains "Man", "Men", or "Woman".

  15. Find all movies with titles that contain digits (e.g., "007", "2", "300").

  16. Find all movies with titles containing a backslash (\).

  17. Find all movies where the title does contain the words "Love" or "Hate".

  18. Find the first 5 movies with titles that end with "er", "or", or "ar".

Last updated